Yigitalp Ozmen

Industrial Engineer, MSc skilled in Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Operations Research

XGBoost on Housing Prices

In this project, I used the data from housing prices dataset in Kaggle and performed feature engineering. Then, I implemented XGB Regressor technique to predict SalePrice as the target variable.

Mushroom Classification Project

I performed multiple machine learning models as classifiers to decide whether mushrooms are edible. In this project, I also performed tailored aggregation, plotting, and encoding as Exploratory Data Analysis with bivariate approach.

CRM Analytics with ML

I performed CRM Analytics with RFM segmentation and CTLV calculation. Based on these, I applied a Clustering algorithm to segment customers as an unsupervised learning. Based on RFM, CLTV and Clustering labels, I calculated the final score as a target. And, then I applied a Classification algorithm as a supervised learning to predict customer segmentation.